Monday, June 16, 2014

Glendo reservoir - a revisit

We over nighted at Glendo reservoir in Wyoming on our way to Mount Rushmore one time. Due to our schedule we didn't have time to explore the state park so had determined we would return to check things out. We decided that a 4 day weekend was the perfect opportunity.

As usual we launched our vacation with no reservations. However Glendo is only about 4 hrs from our house so we decided that leaving mid-day on Fri. would allow us ample opportunity to beat the crowds for the many first come first serve sites.

As we started off on a 90 degree day we noticed that the RV wasn't cooling down very quickly. Turns out the dash air wasn't working. It was fine last weekend when we went to the Great Sand Dunes. We decided it must be a leak since the blower and compressor were working so we turned around to refill it with some refrigerant with leak sealant. Got home and found out that we had the old style of refrigerant and needed to get the system converted. No one could do it that day so we had to decide whether to attempt the trip with just the roof air conditioner.

A quick check of the weather at our destination showed a mild 70s for the weekend with some storms anticipated so we decided to go any ways. By the time we left the RV was at 99 degrees. In normal conditions with the roof air and dash air working this is no problem and things cool down quickly in to the 70s (we also use the foil insulation over all back windows, roof vents and shower dome to help keep things cool). The roof air took almost 2 hours to get it to 84. I was really worried about the dogs. Eventually I took them out of the crates and put them on the back bed which tends to be the coolest area of the RV. We also carry a cigarette lighter clip fan for emergencies such as this so first trained this on the dogs and then my husband while he was driving. I really questioned the decision to continue with this vacation.

As a result of our delay we got to the park at about 8. We had planned to stay at Two Moons campground because we liked it so much last time and they were supposed to have put in new hiking trails that we wanted to explore. However there were no RV sized sites available at that late hour. I called the camp office and they indicated that there were sites at Sandy Beach Campground. I had read that RVs weren't allowed on the beach so asked if our 30 ft RV could camp there. They said there were 44 sites available at last count and yes they could do RVs.

Elated we headed toward Sandy Beach over a not bad but yet not great road. I think they said it was 10 miles or so. We got there and the camp check in guy said they just released the ADA sites and would we like a nice concrete pad. Remembering the sand warning we gratefully accepted and asked for one with shade. We went to the assigned spot and found it out in the open. With many shade or partial shade sites available we returned to the booth and got one with partial shade.
1st night spot
The two sited next to us were unoccupied and some across the way in the trees were unoccupied. We were thrilled with the level of isolation.

That night a big storm blew through with lots of rain. We found we had a leak in the shower dome and the front windshield light. Luckily we travel with eternabond caulk and eternabond tape so my husband got on the roof the next day when it was dry and took care of it.

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