Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hankook AH35 8R19.5 tires instead of AH11 8R19.5

We haven't been able to find anything to buy in Denver that gets us more than we currently have in our Winnebago Brave. So we are replacing our 8 yr old Hankook AH11s. We have LOVED these tires. Ride very well. Held up well etc. So we wanted to buy the same model. But it appears they are discontinued in the 8R19.5 size. We are told the AH35s are the replacement. Trying to find the specs.

Spring maintenance has involved replacing the skylight over the shower that was cracked. Resealing the front marker lights which are leaking (again), and replacing the back marker lights with LEDs. Also dicored all the edges of the eternabond on the roof and inspected the seams.

Cost for 6 Hankook AH35s mounted and balanced = $1562 without tax, $1668.58 with tax. No alignment.
The AH35s were horrible. We have them out for an alignment now since they vibrate all over the place and have a high pitched hum. Maybe we should have ordered AH11s on line?

Since there were no specs. on the Hankook web site for the AH35 I'm searching around to see what I can find.
So far I've come up with. These seem to be the same as the AH11s (from what I can remember).
Speed rating L = 75 mph
Load rating 124 = 3527 lbs
Ply rating F which is 12 ply

But it is noisier. 67dB for AH11s and 73dB for AH35s. Very disappointing.
"An increase of 3dB doubles the sound intensity but a 10dB increase is required before a sound is perceived to be twice as loud. Therefore a small increase in decibels represents a large increase in intensity. For example - 10dB is 10 times more intense than 1dB, while 20dB is 100 times more intense than 1dB."
We just picked it up from the alignment and mechanical check-out.

The alignment was off.

Front Toe Initial Final
Left         -1/8   -1/32
Right       -1/8   -1/32
Total        -1/4   -1/16

Front Camber Initial Final
Left               +3/4  +5/8
Right             -1/2   -1/2

Caster  Initial     Final
Left      +4 5/8  +4 5/8
Right    +4 1/2  + 4 1/2

Kpi     Initial    Final
Left   +7 3/4  +7 3/4
Right +6 3/4  +6 3/4

Alignment cost $170
Mechanical check $300 
They added 1 QRT ATF Dextron Transmission Fluid so we may have a leak.
They said one of the lines was cut to the front airbag in the spring and replaced that. 
This one was odd because I would have though my husband would have noticed the line was cut when he filled them just prior to taking it over there. 
In terms of how does it drive now? Better but not great. It may be that it will be better after we have it loaded with water and stuff. The tires seemed to hum a bit but then that stopped. However the engine was noticeably noisier. And when I got off the express way and braked there was a strong burning smell. Very worrisome. Then when I turned the engine off the temp went into the red zone. Is this normal?
So the question is, did we get taken? With $300 in mechanical inspection at $100/hr what exactly did he do? We wanted to ask him but he had gone to the airport and there was very little detail on the receipt.

The big disappointment is when we went to put the air pressure sensor on the airbag that they worked on line there was no pressure. So we tried to pump it up. No air went in. So my husband crawled under and saw there was a fancy splice but that didn't help as there appears to be a leak now at the bag and a problem with the air valve on the front bumper. 
So post expensive mechanical inspection we have:
- an unexplained burning smell
- engine now is noisier
- air bag may be leaking and they didn't find it or tell us
- air fill valve may be faulty and they did not find, tell us, or replace
- doesn't drive that great
- Does the airbag not working make the alignment invalid?

- tire pressure in all tires lowered erratically? Don't know if they did this or it was us when we lowered it from the 100psi it was set to when they were installed  

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