Our dog's travel in the safety of crates which we have seatbelted to the floor with the existing chair seat belts. The seatbelts go around the base. On top of the straps we have placed thick foam pads. We also got them the water hole style water bowls which don't spill and attached them to the crates with Velcro straps.

We bought them the garage door style crates so that the door stores in the top when the crates are open and doesn't block the hallway. In this photo they have just finished their dinner. The bowls will come out but we leave the water in while traveling.
I noticed your Pet Gear crate and had a couple of questions- how well satisfied are you with this crate? What size are these and related what size are your dogs? I've been thinking about ordering one and would appreciate your feedback.
ReplyDeleteThey crates are the medium and the large sizes. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=20735
ReplyDeleteThey are very good quality. Some crates I've had have sharp edges and I don't remember anything like that on these crates (they are at the storage unit). I used some of the double sided velcro to tighten them up for RVing. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot and wrap it around and between the panels so they don't rattle while driving. I also use the self stick felt dots. Ours are completely quiet when the doors are closed during driving but will rattle a bit when the doors are open.
Sometimes both of my dogs (50 lbs and 40 lbs) will ride in the large but it is very crowded in there for the two of them. Mostly the 50 lb dog will ride in the large and the 40 lb dog in the medium. I think the Med. is a bit small for him but that is the room we had in the RV. Both dogs prefer the crates now. At first they wanted to ride on the bed but it only took a couple of times with us leaving out a bottle of water or a book on the bedside stand for them to make a run for the crates when the engine turns on.
We put a very heavy duty foam on the bottom of the crate to isolate them from the RV vibration and then the dog beds on top of that. In the larger crate we put two dog beds because they had thinner foam.
I am very happy with these crates. I love having the door out of the way while walking around in the RV.
just wanted to say thanks for your response, it was very helpful