But the water was ice cold so we only got in up to our ankles. In addition the water looked pretty dirty so we were happy to not get in.
We had some pretty scenic driving.
Pretty soon we saw snow on the peaks as we headed up, up, up.
I had found a campground on-line that I liked the sound of and hoped to get a site.
We arrived and they had one site available so we lucked out again. It was a beautiful one, surrounded by tall trees.
Many sites were on the river but ours was across the campground road. Which was OK as rivers can be quite noisy.
The dogs wanted to investigate.
Sunshine takes a look.
But says, no thanks.
Even Blossom says it is too rough for her.
Back to the campground road.
Max takes Blossom for a walk.
Sunshine likes to explore the campground roads also.
A muskrat lives under the rock that is near the campground host and the placard commemorating the campground. He comes out and chirps whenever a dog walks by.
As usual we asked about any hiking trails from the campground. So we started up to take advantage of what was available.
The hike was on a road that went, up, up, up.
We saw many pretty vistas.
Some times we were in an open field.
And then it was back into the trees.
We got closer and closer to the sun and sky.
Pretty soon the Sound of Music tune "Climb Every Mountain" seems to be appropriate.
After we hit private property we came back down to the campground.
Again, all too soon it was time to leave this lovely spot.
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